Legal information
Zodiac International B.V., registered at the Dutch Chamber of Commerce under number 30080234, with VAT identification number NL007553316B01, is a Wholesale and Distribution Company and only supplies to authorized dealers.
©Zodiac International B.V.,
The Netherlands, all rights reserved. No part of this website, nor any illustration of this website may be published, reproduced, transmitted, distributed or stored in any retrieval system in any form or by any means, electronically, mechanically, through recording or otherwise, without prior written permission of Zodiac International B.V., unless otherwise stated. He, who acts in violation of the former sentence, will be liable to forfeit an immediately payable penalty of € 5.000,-.
All motorcycle brand names like Harley-Davidson®, etc., as used on this website, are used for reference only. It simply implies that these parts can be used on your customer’s motorcycle. The products on this website are not made by or with the permission of the Harley-Davidson motor corporation or any other motor corporation.
All parts contained on this website must installed by a qualified mechanic in accordance with the original equipment manufacturers service manual. It is also important that you, as a dealer, make sure the proper part is selected for the right purpose. Refer to the original equipment manufacturers service manual for normal and ordinary maintenance. For their own protection, dealers should inform their customers of this policy. If not ridden or maintained properly, motorcycles can be dangerous. Zodiac therefore expects the retailer/dealer and their customers to exercise good judgment as to the proper selection, installation, use and maintenance of any parts. Zodiac assumes no responsibility for damage or injury of any kind arising from misuse or improper application of any parts in any way by any person. Unless specifically stated, Zodiac has no control over the manufacturing, testing or usage of any part sold, therefore the manufacturer will be responsible for any and/or all claims for damage to person(s) or property arising from design, manufacturing, and testing of its products. In no event will Zodiac be liable for consequential or indirect damages.
We have indicated fitment to the best of our knowledge at the time of publication approving. Due to our website publication schedule we were unable to confirm all fitment for our products. There are however, many items that will fit a later model than indicated on the website. Also check fitment with your Zodiac dealer whenever a part fitment is listed “present”.
Note: It is the dealer’s responsibility to make sure the proper part is selected for the right purpose.